FIG 950
Type: Wafer, two lug, uni-directional knife gate valve; rising stem handwheel
Typical Applications: Medium & Heavy duty applications
Sizes available: 50-1500mm (2” to 60”)
Pressure rating:
– Cast iron body: CWP 10 bar, 50-300mm (2” – 12”) size; lower on higher sizes
– Steel/St. steel: CWP 10 bar, 50-600mm (2” – 24”) size; lower on higher sizes
Face-to face: Complies with MSS SP-81 (upto 900mm (36”) size)
Drilling: Available to suit most international flange standards
Material availability standard; others on request
– Body: Cast Iron, Steel, stainless steel (304, 316, 316L,317L, Hastelloy C) and many others
– Gate: 304, 316, 316L,317L st. steel; higher alloys
– Packing: PTFE syntex fiber standard; others on request
Seat/Leakage: Metal-to-metal – As per MSS SP-81 (upto 900mm (36”) size
– Resilient seats – EPDM, Chloroprene, Viton – Zero leak
– PTFE – Max leakage of 4cc/min/inch (upto 600mm (24”) size
Superstructure: Steel, epoxy painted
Handwheel: Cast iron, epoxy painted
Pneumatic actuators: Suitable model is VAAS CCGCx & CCMCx Series